воскресенье, 26 декабря 2010 г.

Corruption, sexism and thrift


All in the mind


Pressure at work


Women on top

The duration of the record – 18 minutes.
I had to listen to this podcast twice - the second time helped me to understand some words which were difficult for me in the first listening.
The question of difference between male and female style of managing was always very popular. One of the most widespread opinions is that perfect bosses are men. According to one research companies run by women are more likely to fail then those one which are run by men.
But what women should do to break down this stereotype?  It is said that women are more "outcome orientated". And if it is true how should they behave in the male world?
I liked Nikki King’s interview in this podcast. This woman is managing director of Isuzu Truck in Britain, she started her career in 40. At first it was difficult for her to make workers to take her seriously, but one day spent in the factory changed everything. She and 3 her male colleagues were in the factory in Japan. It was strange in this country to see female boss, and especially they were surprised when she decided to examine trucks. She jumped in the cab in stiletto heels and roared away, test driver was terrified. When she came back there were 60 Japanese colleagues instead of 6 Japanese before. Thereby she gained the respect of her colleagues.
To be successful women should feel confidence, they have a lot of skills but most of them use them to be a secretary. We need to try to do something different, read books and another literature. To run company is like to bring up children, and to win the sympathy of these “children” you shouldn’t tell them simple “love me”, it doesn’t work. You should find another way.